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Trailblazers is out now for some platforms

Rising Star Games and Supergonk have announced that Trailblazers, the co-op focused racing game is out now for PC and PlayStation 4, with Xbox One releasing tomorrow. The Nintendo Switch version will release during Winter.

Experience vibrant visuals, mesmerizing track designs, and the scorching sensation of speed where players use the on-track game mechanic of painting the track to create boosting lanes for each team. 

“The development of Trailblazers has been an incredible journey and we’re very excited now that launch day has finally arrived,” states Ben Ward, Founder and Lead Designer at Supergonk. “Our indie team had the ambitious goal of bringing something truly innovative to the racing genre and I feel we really achieved that with Trailblazers.”

Racing together in teams of up to three racers, gamers will cover key areas of the racing line as well as painting over opponents’ painted paths to gain the advantage. Racers who drive with flair and style will also amass skill points to blaze their way to victory.

“Trailblazers has the strong combination of stunning visuals and unique gameplay that potentially lead to the beginning of a strong franchise run,” states Lee Skittrell, Marketing Manager at Rising Star Games. “The Supergonk development team has created something truly dynamic and special to the racing genre and we’re thrilled to be part of the Trailblazers ride.”