A few new details revealed for Apex Legend's next season Emergence

One of the weirder presentations at EA Play Live was that of Apex Legends, not because the content wasn’t interesting, but because more was expected that what was shown. What we did learn was cool, so let’s start out with the trailer for their next season Emergence.
Seer is going to be a tracker, like Bloodhound, though he will achieve the tracking options a little differently and while there are no officially worded details, the games director Chad Grenier was on the stage to talk about Seer, here is what he said.
Passive: Seer can sense the heartbeats of enemies when he’s aiming down his sights.
Tactical: When he sense a heartbeat, Seer can activate his Tactical ability to send drones from his chest to hunt down nearby enemies
Ultimate: “In certain gameplay situations” Seer can send out hundreds of drones which create a dome that tracks fast-moving enemies inside.
That last one is interesting for another reason, if the player in the dome moves slowly, they are essentially invisible to Seer, at least through walls and such.
With Seer on the map, Grenier stated that he thinks that this new skill will also slow down players, hoping to use the lack of speed to their advantage, which in turn might slow down the maps.
Leaving Seer alone, more news for the game was that when Emergence is released, August 3rd is the date for that, Ranked Arenas will also arrive. Arenas already launched with the Legacy update back in May and the team promised that Ranked would join them, so it is great to see it happen so quickly.
They also announced that we would get a proper gameplay trailer for the game earlier next week, now they said Monday on the stream, but that could be late Monday night for us, or early Tuesday morning, so maybe wait until Tuesday when you wake up.
The game is out now for all consoles and PC, with the next season kicking off on August 3rd.