A new gameplay trailer for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is here

The recent Pokémon Presents delivered a new trailer for the upcoming Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet games, which revealed new Pokémon, new mechanics and a lot more.
First, we got proper confirmation that the game is fully open world, no more large areas connected by small pathways and load screens, though they will likely be there still. That open world means you can explore in any direction you want, regardless of your level, check out the new map of the Paldea region below.
With an open world comes choice, that is great for exploration, but the game is also going to offer up a chance for you to choose the stories you want to undertake. One such adventure is the traditional Gym Battle quest, where you head around to 8 gyms and battle it out to obtain a badge from the leader. As the world is open, you do not have to follow any set path, you can tackle them in any order you like, though you will want to ensure that you are strong enough.
There are other stories to discover, but the team behind the game are being very coy about these new additions, so we will have to wait until the game is released to get them.
Part of each of these presentations is the reveal of new Pokémon and we got three more this time, Paldean Wooper, Cetitan and Fidough, here are the stats on these new additions to the roster, starting with the Pokemon who will rise to the occasion, Fidough.
Fidough’s moist, smooth skin has elastic qualities and is both firm and soft at the same time. When these Pokémon become excited, they intimidate their opponents by puffing up their bodies to appear bigger. Fidough ferments things in its vicinity using the yeast in its breath. The yeast is useful for cooking, so this Pokémon has been protected by people since long ago.
Category: Puppy Pokémon
Type: Fairy
Height: 1'
Weight: 24 lbs.
Ability: Own Tempo
Paldean Wooper
In ancient times, Wooper lived underwater in the Paldea region. After losing in a struggle for territory, it seems they began living in bogs on land. To keep from drying out while living on land, they began to cover their bodies with a poisonous film. Their gills have hardened thanks to living on land for so long. Their bodies are heavy and they move slowly, but they can protect themselves by shooting powerful poisonous liquid from their gills.
Category: Poison Fish Pokémon
Type: Poison/Ground
Height: 1'4"
Weight: 24.3 lbs.
Ability: Poison Point / Water Absorb
Cetitan need to have tough muscles to be able to support their immense bodies, and physical attacks using their bodies have incredible power. They also migrate around the snowy regions, protected by a thick layer of fat.
Category: Terra Whale Pokémon
Type: Ice
Height: 14'9"
Weight: 1,543.2 lbs.
Ability: Thick Fat / Slush Rush
Those new Pokémon are not the only new details that we got, as the games legendary Pokémon, Koraidon and Miraidon were revealed to have new forms. These Pokémon can change their forms to better suit what they’re doing or what terrain they’re traveling over.
Sprinting Build / Drive Mode: Players can ride Sprinting Build Koraidon or Drive Mode Miraidon, making it easier to traverse the expansive Paldea region more freely.
Swimming Build / Aquatic Mode: Players will be able to jump into rivers, lakes and vibrant oceans to approach the Pokémon that live there or cross perilous waters in a snap by riding Swimming Build Koraidon or Aquatic Mode Miraidon.
Gliding Build / Glide Mode: Players can jump from mountains, towering cliffs or tall buildings and glide toward their destination.
If you have no idea who is who, Koraidon is the red one and Miraidon is the purple one.
All those new Pokémon must mean that there is no change to that of the battles, well you would be mostly correct, as the game is offering a few new ways to battle, Tera Raid Battles and Terastallize, let us look at the latter.
This is the games new take on modifying your Pokemon, to allow them new moves in battle, once activated the Pokemon in question will shine, as if they are being encased in crystal and shine, once complete a Tera Jewel will appear on their head, much like a crown upon a king and then they are ready for battle.
Only the Pokémon found within this new region can undertake this temporary transformation, but once they do, it will change up their powers in ways that trainers will have never seen before. Each Pokémon will now be blessed with what is being called a Tera Type, those types total 18 and with them, you can have a grass Pokémon that when Terastallize’d might be a fire type or a ghost type.
Before you start rushing to do this in each battle, you can only trigger the transformation if you have a Tera Orb, no orb no dice and you can only do it to a Pokémon , once per battle, though it will last until the battle ends or that Pokémon faints. Players can charge their Tera Orb by touching crystals overflowing with Terastal energy or by going to a Pokémon Center.
The other new way to battle is in the Tera Raid Battles, these are events that you and three other trainers can take part in. You can start your own event or join someone else looking for some support and once you are in, battles will not happen at a glacial pace now, as everyone can attack at once.
The official PR is stating that you need a Nintendo Switch Online account to battle, which likely means local Tera Raids are not possible, but hopefully that is just wording of the press release.