A special World of Warcraft Wowcast has been released as the 20th anniversary of the game approaches

A special World of Warcraft Wowcast has been released as the 20th anniversary of the game approaches

A special episode of the World of Warcraft Wowcast has been released, which dives into the celebrations that are coming up as the game celebrates its 20th anniversary, yes the game did release in 2004. You can check out the full video below.

It is actually a year of milestones for Blizzard as Warcraft Rumble turns 1, not that many people care about that. However what they do care bout is that Hearthstone is 10 years old this year and the original Warcraft game is 30 years old this year.

In celebration of the 20th anniversary of WoW, a new piece of art was released, you can view it in full below.