After years of waiting, Splinter Cell is back, at least the original is getting a remake

With countless rumours over the years, it seems Ubisoft finally got sick and tired of people asking, as they have announced that a remake of Splinter Cell is now in development via their Toronto Studio, whose first game as a lead developer was Splinter Cell Blacklist.
It is still early in the games development, so don’t expect to see much anytime soon, and while I am sure many fans of the series, like myself, would have preferred an all new game, given how iconic the original three games were, remaking them or at least the first, is still welcome.
Over on the Ubisoft website, their news team spoke with a few of the developers working on the game, you can read the full interview here, but the most interesting question was right at the top, so I had put it below for you.
How are you approaching Splinter Cell as a remake? What makes it a remake and not a remaster?
Matt West, Producer: To me, a remake takes what you'd do in a remaster and goes a little bit further with it. The original Splinter Cell has a lot that was amazing and revolutionary at the time it came out, 19 years ago. The gaming public now has an even more refined palate. So, I think it kind of has to be a remake as opposed to a remaster. Although we're still in the very earliest stages of development, what we're trying to do is make sure the spirit of the early games remains intact, in all of the ways that gave early Splinter Cell its identity. So, as we're building it from the ground up, we're going to update it visually, as well as some of the design elements to match player comfort and expectations, and we are going to keep it linear like the original games, not make it open world. How do we make sure that new fans are able to pick up the controller and dive right in, and fall in love with the game and the world right from the get-go?
They also released a nice video that looks over the series history, which you should totally watch if you have no idea about the series at all.
As of today, there are no confirmed platforms for the remake, but the game is being made on their Snowdrop Engine, which powers most everything the company does, from Mario+Rabbids to their upcoming Star Wars and Avatar games, so the breadth of supported platforms is wide, though honestly, next-gen and PC only are the likely target.