Age of Empires 4 is expanding this October with the Anniversary Update

Xbox and developers Relic have announced that Age of Empires 4 will expand this October when the series itself turns 25 years old and the recent game celebrates its 1st birthday, so in that they have an update coming. That update will bring two new civilisations to players, the Ottomans and Malians.
Lead the mighty Malians of West Africa as one of the richest trading nations of all-time as you focus on strong economic prowess in mining and investing in gold. You can learn more about the Malians here.
Or assemble one of the longest-lasting empires in history with the Ottoman civilization and its well-trained military force, which features the largest gunpowder siege weapon available – the Great Bombard. You can learn more about the Ottomans here.
In addition to those new groups, the update will also include new maps, Achievements and Masteries, alongside the content announced for Season Three, more details on that can be found here.
October 25th is going to be a big day, so get ready to Wololo all over again.