Age of Empires IV gets a lot of new details, including many gameplay trailers

Overnight Xbox hosted an Age of Empires IV event, that not only showed off the first gameplay for the new title, but also revealed so much more than was expected, check out the gameplay reveal first.
Drawing inspiration from gilded manuscripts of the time of the Normans, the “golden soldiers” project historical events over present-day real-world locations, giving us a realistic sense of place in how events unfolded hundreds of years ago. It’s very BBC documentary styled-inspired, and it looks great. Get ready for more of this throughout the three other campaigns in Age of Empires IV.
The Norman campaign will tell the story of Duke William of Normandy as he wrestles control of England from King Harold, starting at the Battle of Hastings, then later following his descendants Robert, William II, and Henry I as they continue to fight for what would become modern day England. All the classic medieval units were shown here in action, from knights on horseback engaging with pikemen across large fields of battle capped off with a great looking castle siege.
You can also check out some screens of the campaign below as well.
Strangely the event actually kicked off with a detailed look at one of the new playable civilizations in Age of Empires IV, the Delhi Sultanate, and also showed off one of their most iconic units in action: the War Elephant. Mixed in with gameplay of archers firing down from above on castle walls, spearmen engaging in combat, Sultanate Scholars capturing sacred sites and supporting War Elephant assaults, it will make for one very interesting additions to the series, check it out.
Following that reveal, we were treated to an even deeper dive into gameplay in Age of Empires IV, starting off with the High Medieval Ages and a battle between the English and the Delhi Sultanate, as we were about to be guided through the game’s four Ages. It started off showcasing English villagers gathering resources to start building up their Town Center, with scouts hunting deer and villagers collecting meat from sheep. Soon a lone scout comes across an enemy fortification, and from there you can guess what comes next: war. It’s not long until we see spearmen, archers, and more combat-oriented construction developing as the civilizations start to age-up and skirmishes escalate to war as each continues their battle for control of the map.
The below videos show more gameplay, another country and more, plus there are more videos and explanations on the Xbox Wire. There is also an interview on the site, which delves into more on the game and the approach Relic is taking, give that a read as well.