Apex Legends is getting ready to celebrate the Holo-Days once more

Another holiday season, I mean holoday season is almost upon us as Apex Legends is getting ready to celebrate the holodays once more, with their Holo-Day Bash Event, kicking off at the start of December.
The mode will kick off on December 1st, well December 2nd for us and then run until the new year, January 4th to be exact.
Part of the Holo-Day Bash is that the Winter Express is making a return, as Mark Yampolsky, a Systems Designer for Apex Legends explains.
The train is back in World’s Edge just for Winter Express, and this time it’s not the only vehicle descending into the valley around Epicenter. The supply ships from Kings Canyon are also flying around the frozen explosion.
For those of you who haven’t played it before, Winter Express is a round-based mode where three squads battle for control of the train as it makes its way around World’s Edge. This year, when your squad respawns after a round has finished, you will spawn on your own supply ship as it follows the train. From here, your squad will be able to survey the battlefield and skydive into combat as the train arrives at its next station and the objective unlocks. The squad that won the previous round will respawn directly on the train.
We’ve also added a new station for the train to stop at: Derailment is the scene of a catastrophic accident that occurred as a cargo train travelling the opposite direction took a tricky turn at high speed. This new station has a variety of flanking opportunities, and a unique rotation under the bridge where the train stops. This allows you to quickly change which side of the objective you’re attacking.
These changes should significantly reduce some of the long respawn times between rounds that players experienced last year. We can now spawn you earlier on the supply ships, and the longest section of track between stations is now divided in half with Derailment. We think these changes will make the mode an even more awesome experience.
Some new Legends have joined the games since Winter Express was last live, including: Loba, Revenant, Rampart, and Horizon. These Legends shake up the mode in new, exciting ways and we can’t wait for you to find new strategies for defending the objective or breaking through a powerful enemy line. We’ve also refreshed and rebalanced loadouts for this mode to include new weapons and purple armor for more exciting engagements that really help show off what our Legends can do.
One of the big things with these limited time events is to try and earn in-game rewards, and ahead of the release of it, they have released the entire line up, which you can see below.
The event kicks off on December 1st/2nd, depending on where you are in the world and will be available on all currently available platforms, that means PC (via Origin or Steam), Xbox One and PlayStation 4, with the game being playable via back compat on the new hardware.