Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream adds two new friends?

Koei Tecmo have announced that when Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream launches on February 25th for Switch, PlayStation 4 and PC, players will get to meet two new characters, a man named Olias Enders and someone named Plachta.
They begin their journey at a place known as The Dream Tree, where Sophie was found unconscious. The mysterious woody plant resembles the tree where Sophie and Plachta had last explored before ending up in Erde Wiege, but Plachta is nowhere to be found. When Sophie and Alette return to Roytale, the only town in Erde Wiege, they are approached by a man named Olias Enders, who refers to himself as “the world’s strongest ultimate bodyguard!” Olias claims to know a girl named Plachta, and offers his services to help guide them to the atelier on the outskirts of town.
But when the trio arrive and encounter Plachta, Sophie claims not to know this new girl. Who is this new Plachta, and what is her relationship with Sophie’s best friend? Sophie, Alette, and Olias are determined to find out.
Throughout the adventure, characters will need to employ their skills in alchemy in order to proceed, with gamers utilising an updated version of the panel synthesis system featured in the Mysterious sub-series. In Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream, new items are created based on the alchemic components of materials placed on the panel.
Alchemic components are associated with an element (colour) of either fire, ice, lightening, wind, or light. By selecting material that consists of an element (alchemic component) that matches the type of item you want to synthesise, various effects can be acquired. With alchemic components, panels that light up brightly are known as link components. When link panels of the same element are adjacent, they form a link, and the greater the number of links, the better effects can be acquired. In order to create powerful items, being aware of links and strategically placing alchemic components becomes key.