Battlefield 2042 is preparing for another season, with a new development update here

Battlefield 2042 is gearing up for its second season and with that will come a host of changes, in order to get players ready, the team have released a dev update video, talking in a high-level about some of them, check it out.
If the video was enough, then you just have to wait for Season 2 to kick off, however if you want more detail, the games official website has more details to share, you can that post out here. Here are just some of the things that players have provided feedback on, since the launch of Season 1, which are sourced from the post linked above.
You want more Hardware. We hear you and we’ll be introducing 2 all new Primary Weapons, and 1 New Sidearm at the start of Season 2, alongside our first two Vault Weapons - beginning our journey for bringing content from Battlefield Portal into the All-Out Warfare Arsenal.
You enjoyed Kaleidoscope’s rework, and you want to see more of our original maps to be updated faster. In Season 2 we’ll be bringing refreshes for both Renewal, and Orbital. We’re presently planning for each of these refreshed maps to drop in subsequent updates following the release of Update 2.0, which itself will bring an exciting new map to the Battlefield.
With our first run of Weekly Missions nearing completion, we’ve been able to learn from, and refine our weekly missions to ensure that we have a better balance across mission variety and difficulty.
We have also reworked the main menu to make it easier to see what’s happening across the game, without needing to go into the different areas of All-Out Warfare, Hazard Zone, and Battlefield Portal.
In addition to map changes and such, the Specialists are getting overhauled in the new season. The team have broken down the issues players have with them, into three groups, Class Identity, Loadouts and Gameplay/Balance. Much like the general update, the team have put together an exhaustive list of the changes they are working towards for them, you can read all about that here.
Do these changes make you happy, if you are still playing and if you are not playing, are they enough to convince you to come back?