BlizzCon Online has been cancelled for the next year, focus is now on improving the company

Blizzard have announced that the previously revealed BlizzCon Online event, that was due to take place in February, will now no longer happen at all, in order for the company to dedicate their efforts on fixing issues within the company.
Any BlizzCon event takes every single one of us to make happen, an entire-company effort, fueled by our desire to share what we create with the community we care about so much. At this time, we feel the energy it would take to put on a show like this is best directed towards supporting our teams and progressing development of our games and experiences.
They did say though, that they will also use this time to re-evaluate what a BlizzCon event can be, as it has been 16 years since the first one and many things about the industry have changed since then.
For those who were looking forward to hearing news about upcoming games, they had this to say:
One more thing we wanted to make clear: even though we aren’t holding BlizzConline in February, we’ll still be making announcements and updates for our games. We’re proud of our teams and the progress they’ve made across our games. We have a lot of exciting upcoming news and releases to share with you. You’ll continue hearing about those through our franchise channels, with the talented people on the BlizzCon team playing a part in supporting these efforts.
You can read their full statement about the cancelation here.
So what do you think, is this a good decision from the company?