Borderlands 3 drops all the details for the Director's Cut DLC

It has happened, more details about the second part of the Borderlands 3 Season Pass 2 have been given and there is a lot to unpack.
First up, the Director’s Cut DLC will release on March 18, giving players time to prepare and contained within it is a lot of new and different content, including a murder mystery.
Ava is convinced she has a lead on some potentially supernatural slayings and has decided to document her findings in serialized podcast form. Join her and other familiar faces as a gun-toting co-host for a series of new story missions that take place on Pandora, Promethea, Eden-6, and Nekrotafeyo.
The making of Ava’s Mysteriouslier podcast isn’t all running and gunning (though you can expect plenty of gore-soaked firefights along the way). To help solve this string of seemingly paranormal happenings, you’ll sometimes need to stop and take stock of a crime scene and deduce your next steps based on environmental clues. What you find will send ripples throughout the rest of Borderlands 3’s story, but we’ll let you solve those mysteries yourself.
Check out a few screens of this newest addition below.
If a murder mystery is not your thing, then you can look forward to a new raid boss, with Hemovorous the Invincible.
Hemovorous has made her lair behind a previously sealed door on Pandora, and Director’s Cut is your chance to go toe-to-pincer with this monstrous enemy. If you’ve completed the main story campaign and own Director’s Cut, you’ve earned the right to take on Hemovorous. Get your group to pony up 500 Eridium to open the door and you can shoot your shot against this deadly behemoth.
This raid boss fight provides one of the greatest end-game challenges veteran Vault Hunters can find—especially since her fearsome strength scales with both your character level beyond 35 and your active Mayhem Mode level. Better bring some friends and be ready to get caked in Varkid guts—it’s going to get messy!
The upside, once you take down this latest threat, you will score some of the best loot in the game, just don’t get ahead of yourself, the challenge will be gargantuan.
Another exciting addition in Director’s Cut are the Vault Cards: three new challenge-based progression tracks that will unlock a bevy of themed cosmetics plus some supremely powerful gear that scales to your level, all managed via a new tab in your ECHO Device.
Here is just some of the swag you can earn
The first of the three Vault Cards will launch as part of Director’s Cut, featuring items that honour some of the franchise’s most beloved fallen heroes; the remaining two Vault Cards are scheduled to launch by the end of 2021. Vault Card content can be activated at any time once released, and when multiple Vault Cards are available you’ll have the option to select which one you want activate.
There’s a selection of over 100 unique challenges to pull from, so you never know exactly what each day or week may bring. Because they offer another method for gaining XP, completing Vault Card challenges will also help you level up new characters faster.