Bow down as The Witch Queen comes to Destiny 2 next February

Overnight, Bungie took the covers off the next expansion for Destiny 2, The Witch Queen and as part of the reveal, announced that players would be able to tackle her and her many minions on February 22nd, 2022.
In The Witch Queen, Guardians will face enemies that are unlike any they’ve encountered before, and will unravel the truth behind Savathûn, the Witch Queen.
Players will explore a brand-new destination in Savathûn’s Throne World and will face her Lucent Brood – Hive enemies who are infused with the same Light that powers Guardians. To face those considerable threats, for the first time ever, players will forge weapons of their own making with the brand-new weapon crafting feature.
For years, Savathûn’s schemes have unfolded, as she has assumed the identities of trusted allies and woven a web of lies that has spanned the galaxy. With the upcoming launch of Destiny 2: The Witch Queen, Guardians will learn the truth behind her infernal plans and face a challenge unlike any they’ve encountered before: Enemies who are infused with the very Light that Guardians hold dear.
Weapons and Crafting: With the new weapon crafting feature, for the first time in Destiny’s history players will be able to forge weapons, complete with unique combinations of mods, shaders, and advanced stats. Guardians will also wield a new weapon type – the Glaive, Destiny’s introduction to a 1st-person melee weapon, which will be capable of powerful melee attacks, mid-range blasts, and shielding its wielder.
The Throne World: A twisted wonderland of corruption and splendor, Savathûn’s Throne World plays host to a fragile balance of terrifying power. Guardians will explore this brand-new destination and uncover the mysteries that reside in both the Darkness and the Light.
Lucent Brood: Aim down sights at enemies who are infused with Light – the same Light that powers Guardians – complete with sinister abilities at once familiar and terrifying.
The Witch Queen brings new challenges, including a new six-player matchmade activity, a new raid set in the heart of a sunken Pyramid ship, and more.
Pre-orders can be made today and depending on the version you order, some bonus content will be made available to you right away.