Cyberpunk 2077 is breaking new ground with nvidia RTX

Nvidia teamed up with CD Projekt Red to help with the development of Cyberpunk 2077, to help bring RTX to the game. Part of the reveal of them working together, was the little doco that is at the bottom here and the reason we are sharing it, is because it features some new, never before seen shots of Night City, with RTX turned on.
The video features gameplay with DXR ray tracing and NVIDIA DLSS, and goes deep into the use of these technologies to make the environment more immersive. Of particular interest is the difference ray tracing makes in the day/night cycle in the game. The video serves as a stunning highlight reel of ‘a day in the life’ inside Night City by showcasing many previously unrevealed game scenes.
With RTX ON, Night City is transformed. Glorious ray-traced reflections are cast on every possible surface; substantially improved shadows naturally soften and sharpen; shops, streets and buildings are realistically illuminated with diffuse lighting; and in general the world is more immersive and detailed.
The game is out on December 10 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC, with full backwards compatibility on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5, a next gen patch will release, likely in the new year, to give the game a boost on the new consoles.