DC Fandome is taking place this weekend, a local afterparty is planned

DC Fandome is set to air this weekend, with looks at movies like The Batman, Black Adam and The Flash, along with games like Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League and Gotham Knights.
While the event will kick off in the very early hours of Sunday morning, Australian and New Zealand fans can look forward to an exclusive after party, to showcase the content and more, just at a time that works for us.
Called The After Party, original name I know, it will be hosted by Osher Günsberg, Stephanie ‘Hex’ Bendixsen and Jayden Rodrigues.
It isn’t just a reshowing of the same stream from earlier in the day, but instead will feature selected highlights, along with all new content from special guests:
Teagan Croft (Raven in Titans)
Joshua Orpin (Superboy in Titans)
Tom Taylor (Writer: Superman: Son of Kal-El, Nightwing, Injustice: Gods Among Us)
Nicola Scott (Penciller, Colorist, Artist: Wonder Woman: Year One, Birds of Prey)
Bosslogic (Digital Artist)
If you want to watch the event, you can do so below when it goes live. The show kicks off at 10am AEDT, 7am WEST and 12pm NZST.