Deathwing returns when World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic releases this May
![Deathwing returns when World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic releases this May](
Blizzard has announced that World of Warcraft Classic is getting more classic content when Cataclysm arrives this May 21st.
Ahead of its release, on April 30 the games pre-patch will release, which will begin the changes that players may recall from its initial release 14 years ago. The patch will offer up a variety of systems changes along with new class and race combinations, and the new Worgen and Goblin races. Players can also begin learning the new Archaeology profession, use Reforging to upgrade your gear, and more.
New Player Races: Goblin and Worgen
New Race and Class Combinations
Leveling Updates: Level through a changed landscape in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms from level 1 through 60.
Class Updates: New Talents, Trees, spells and More
New Race and Class Combinations
New Profession: Archaeology
New Feature: Transmog Collection
Updated Character and Gear Stats
So with all the above content you might think that the actual expansion has nothing else to offer, then you would be wrong, here are the highlights of what is included.
7 New Zones: Mount Hyjal, Vash’jir, Twilight Highlands, Uldum, Deepholm, Kezan, and Gilneas.
9 New Dungeons: Blackrock Caverns, Throne of the Tides, Vortex Pinnacle, The Stonecore, The Lost City of Tol’vir, The Halls of Origination, Grim Batol, Deadmines, Shadowfang Keep
Dungeon Journal Introduced
3 New Raid Dungeons: Throne of the Four Winds, Blackwing Descent, and Bastion of Twilight
Boss Based Raid Lock system: Allowing players to do either the 10 or 25-player raid version of each boss in the same week. Lockouts are based on individual boss.
Tol Barad PvP Zone
Darkmoon Island: Discover the mysteries Silas Darkmoon has in store for you.
Flying in Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor
There are of course lore changes and more, plus with the new expansion almost here that means there is only a little amount of time left for the final Lich King achievements to be obtained. All the other details, including the breakdown on those last two topics, can be found here.