Destiny 2 Beyond Light gets another new trailer

Bungie have released yet another story trailer for Destiny 2’s upcoming expansion Beyond Light, and in it, a bunch of old friends make an appearance, check it out.
The Exo Stranger makes her first appearance since the fall of the Black Garden. Eramis seeks the Darkness to return her people to glory. Variks comes with a warning for Guardians, always the uneasy ally. Eris Morn is pulled closer to Europa, tempted by the knowledge of Stasis. The Drifter has survival as his compass, using his skills as a smooth talker, scavenger and hustler.
Destiny 2: Beyond Light will arrive on November 11 and will be on Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox Series X through backwards compatibility. The game will be available via backwards compatibility on November 12 for PlayStation 5 and the upgraded version will hit later in November for both next gen consoles.