Discover Alabasta, one of the locations that you will visit in One Piece Odyssey

Bandai Namco have released a new trailer for One Piece Odyssey that shows off the location of Alabasta, one of the memories that they will step into, as they recover their powers with the help of Lim’s strange powers.
Our famous pirates’ adventurous journey will take them through a world made from their memories of the Alabasta Kingdom: In this adventure, the dangers lurking the sandy dunes of the desert will remind them back of when they still sailed the Going Merry, their loyal first ship. But the Crew has grown and changed as they lived through two years of adventures since these times, and even though the world created from their memories looks the same at first glance, the events and adventures taking place there are a new and different story, bringing nostalgia but also excitement of original experiences to the players!
The game is set to release on January 13th for PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5.