Discover some of the biggest changes coming to Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Bioware took to their blog, as well as the PlayStation Blog, to list down a lot of the changes that are coming to the Mass Effect Legendary Edition, covering everything from gameplay tuning to rebalancing and more. The bigger news is that this is just on that, the visual changes will come next week, in another post, so look forward to them.
The post is fairly lengthy and covers a few different subjects, these are what it covers:
It is not just a list of random updates or changes, they do have some fun with it, for example
But of course, we’ve got to talk about the (in)famous M-35 Mako. This legendary vehicle from the first Mass Effect has been “calibrated” to perform better than ever. In the original game, the physics tuning for the Mako made it feel too light and bouncy, even at times becoming uncontrollable, but it’s now a much smoother ride while still being “loveable” like before. (Yes, you can still drive off cliffs to your heart’s content).
So head on over and give it a read, there is a lot coming that you might not even think about. For now, if you don’t want to, you can check out some new screens from the release.
The release is coming out on May 14 for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.