Discover the final path available in Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning, that of magic

THQ Nordic have released a new gameplay trailer for Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning, as it shows off third and final path available to players, Sorcery.
Whether you wield a staff, a chakram, or a scepter, your offensive abilities can be truly impressive. Let fire, lightning or ice, rain down upon your enemies, while you remain safe at a distance. But it is not just damage you have access to, you can use your powers to heal yourself, protect yourself with an arcane shield or even summon a loyal, if oddly shaped minion, letting them fight for you.
Players can choose the path of Magic, or go for the sneaky option, but if you want to rush in heedless of the danger, you can also be the mighty.