Discover the past in Lost Judgment: The Kaito Files, which lands at the end of March

Sega has announced that on March 28, Lost Judgment players will get to embark on an all new mystery when The Kaito Files is released and as the name implies stars Masaharu Kaito.
With the series star Takayuki Yagami out of town, Kaito is left to pick up the work at the Yagami Detective Agency, but when Kaito is offered a case with a lucrative reward: 20-million yen to find a CEO’s missing wife, everything will change. Things take a twist when it’s revealed that the missing person in question is Kaito’s ex-lover, Mikiko. Left to put back together the pieces of his past and discover the fate of a woman presumed dead, Kaito won’t stop until he’s cracked the case for good.
A staple of the series is its brutal and unforgiving combat and when your new main character is former Yakuza, beat downs are something he has experience with. As such when you get into fights with Kaito, you can opt to choose from one of two styles, bruiser and tank, the first lets you combine deadly punches with some fast evasion skills. The second though gives you the chance to take plenty of hits and then deal it all back with a massive counterpunch. Paired with a unique skill tree of over 70 abilities, Kaito’s fighting style is roaring and suited to his fervent temperament, standing in stark contrast but equal standing to Yagami’s practiced precision.
But is isn’t just a matter of fighting your way to success, as Kaito will have some unique investigative skills at his disposal as well. In addition to Primal Eye and Primal Ear, Kaito also has the hunting sense of a wolf on the prowl, allowing him to track down imperceptible odors with Primal Nose. But outside of investigations, his senses are just as keen. Scavenge the city through the new lens of Primal Focus to find rare hidden items that would otherwise elude the average person amid the bustling cityscape.
The developers have gone out of their way to ensure that Kaito feels different to play as, his is not as stealthy as Yagami, so when he needs to take down an enemy silently, rather than choke them out, he just pummels them until they pass out. When it comes to tailing, because Yagami is nimble he can do a lot with ease, but for Kaito, tailing folks will be twice as difficult and when foot chases break out, Kaito will just plow through anyone who gets between him and the target.
There is even more to discover, but the developers are being coy on what that might be, for now though, those with the Digital Ultimate or the Season Pass for the game can pick up the content on March 28.