Discover what Ultra Cross is, in the latest Dirt 5 trailer

Codemasters have released yet another video for Dirt 5, which shows off some Ultra Cross racing, which in this video is taking place in South Africa, Cape Town to be precise.
Taking inspiration from arena-based action in previous DIRT games, South Africa's Cape Town Stadium is the perfect setting for some close-quarters racing with jumps, crossover and a roaring crowd. Take the action through the stadium, the parking lot, and the outer area for a thrilling route, available in Career, Arcade and online play with up to 12 cars on track.
The game is kicking off on November 6 for current gen platforms, Xbox One, PC and PlayStation 4 and will release on Xbox Series X and Series S on November 10. The PlayStation 5 and Stadia versions are not dated at this time, but are expected soon after and in the new year, respectively.