Dreamhack Melbourne is bringing the prizes for the best players in the BYOC tournaments

Dreamhack Melbourne is the local arm of the global esports show and they are back for another weekend of events, panels, cosplay and more.
One location that players can venture to is the BYOC space, for those who are not in the know that stands for Bring Your Own Computer. Normally the space is perfect for those who love to play games in the same room with other folks, but maybe can’t do it that often.
For those players who want to test their skills, there is actually a number of tournaments that will take place with the area, with $35,000 up for grabs. There four games in total, so if you consider yourself a fair player and want to give it a go, you should enter. One important note, this is not for pro players, this event is just for those players who just enjoy the game. Here is the list of games, the prize amount and format:
Valorant - $10,000 - 5v5
Fortnite - $10,000 - Solo
Rocket League - $5,000 - 1v1
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - $10,000 - 4v4
Each game has its own requirements and while you might think you can take on a team of 5 players in Valorant, you must be a part of a team to take part in the competition. All the details, once available, will be made available on the official site.
In addition to those games, players who just want to go and play some games can also enjoy Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, League of Legends and Starcraft II.
Tickets are on sale now for the event, including the Students Day, so if you want to attend check out the site for all the details and prices.