Everything revealed in the first Guerilla Collective

Normally, if I were in Los Angeles for E3, there would be an event happening called TheMiX, or as it is fully know the Media and Indie Exchange, basically a mini-E3 that takes place over a few hours one night of the show.
The reason why the show exists is due to indie developers, not being able to pay the large fees associated with renting space within the convention center. Generally speaking, TheMiX takes over a bar or restaurant, set up a lot of tables and folks set up their laptops, or dev consoles and it is just a great few hours.
With E3 2021 being an all digital event, TheMiX is back again with their, potentially annual event, the Guerrilla Collective, a stream that has dozens upon dozens of indie titles shown, for a range of platforms. Like the 2020 event, this is done over two weekends, here is everything shown off in the first.
The games are shown alphabetically, with their platforms below the title, enjoy.
Aeon Drive
Platforms: PC | Consoles
Platforms: PC | Console
ANNO: Mutationem
Platforms: PC | Switch | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One
Azure Striker Gunvolt 3
Platforms: Switch
Beasts of Maravilla Island
Platforms: PC | Switch | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One
Blaster Master Zero 3
Platforms: PC | Switch | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One | Xbox Series X|S
Celestial Tear: Demon’s Revenge
Platforms: PC
Platforms: PC | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One | PlayStation 5 | Xbox Series X|S
Cogen: Sword of Rewind
Platforms: PC | Switch | PlayStation 4
El Paso, Elsewhere
Platforms: PC
Platforms: PC
Platforms: PC | Switch | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One
Fire Tonight
Platforms: PC | Switch | Mac
Grow: Song of the Evertree
Platforms: PC | Switch | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One
Guild of Dungeoneering Ultimate Edition
Platforms: PC
Platforms: PC
Jay and Silent Bob Chronic Blunt Punch
Platforms: PC
Kraken Academy
Platforms: PC
KungFu Kickball
Platforms: PC | Switch | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One
Platforms: PC | Switch
Legend of Keepers: Return of the Goddess
Platforms: PC | Switch
Platforms: PC | Switch
My Lovely Wife
Platforms: PC | Switch
Platforms: PC | Switch | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One
Onsen Master
Platforms: PC | Switch | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One
Potato Flowers in Full Bloom
Platforms: PC | Console
RPGolf Legends
Platforms: PC | Switch | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One | PlayStation 5 | Xbox Series X|S
RPG Time: The Legend of Wright
Platforms: PC | Switch | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One | PlayStation 5 | Xbox Series X|S
Rubi: The Wayward Mira
Platforms: PC | Switch | PlayStation 4
Run Die Run Again (RDRA)
Platforms: PC | Xbox One | Xbox Series X|S
Source of Madness
Platforms: PC
Super Space Club
Platforms: PC | Xbox One
Tamarindos Freaking Dinner
Platforms: PC | Switch
The Eternal Cylinder
Platforms: PC | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One
The Legend of TianDing
Platforms: PC | Switch
The Lightbringer
Platforms: PC | Switch
Platforms: PC
Platforms: PC | Switch | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One | PlayStation 5 | Xbox Series X|S
Ultra Age
Platforms: PlayStation 4
ValiDate: Struggling Singles in your Area
Platforms: PC | Switch | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One
Platforms: PC
Platforms: PC | Switch | PlayStation 4 | Xbox One | PlayStation 5 | Xbox Series X|S
Platforms: PC
Zodiac Legion
Platforms: PC
Not a bad amount for the first day, there is still another day to go. Of course, not all the games above are new, but most seems quite interesting.