Fashion Dreamer will let you live out your designer dreams on Switch

Marvelous Europe and developer syn Sophia, Inc. have announced Fashion Dreamer, an all-new series that lets players come up with new styles of fashion and then share them in the game or around the world. Check out the reveal trailer for it below.
If the game looks like the Style Savvy/Style Boutique series, the name depending on where you are in the world, that is because the developer of that series is the same as this game.
Fashion Dreamer is a creative-focused game where players can express their unique styles using their avatar, called a Muse. Players can create their own haute couture for their Muse, choosing from over a thousand available patterns that can be customized to be a truly one-of-a-kind look.
Once players find their signature style, they can display their latest line of outfits in their customizable showroom to turn heads and elevate their brand to the next level. Featuring asynchronous multiplayer, the world of Eve is inhabited by the Muses of players from around the world, allowing players to find inspiration or earn Likes for their most iconic fit virtually anywhere!
If you link your world to the online aspect of the game, your character can travel around and share your designs with other players. They can also pick up design tips from those other worlds, giving you more inspiration to design your next run of clothes with.
The game is coming exclusively to Switch, at least for now, but the date is only set at 2023, with nothing firmer noted.