Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail's next patch has been detailed and dated

Square Enix have announced the content coming to Final Fantasy XIV via the new 7.1 patch, which includes new raids, dungeons and much more. The trailer below will give you an idea, below is more detail
One of the new additions for the update is a new quest, the outline of it is as follows:
Though the spectacle of Living Memory and its threat to the star have been laid to rest, the shade of remembrance lingers both within and without the dome. As the Warrior of Light and their companions seek to help the people of two worlds move forward, they find that some secrets of the past must be unearthed...
For those seeking a challenge with other players the new Alliance Raid Dungeon should cover you. Called Echoes of Vana'diel - Jeuno: The First Walk, it will bring 24 players together for a real challenge. The below is what has been said about it so far:
A pall of unease has settled over Yak T'el, and memories of a world not our own now find themselves buried in the woods. The Warrior of Light has set off to investigate, but what secrets will they unearth beneath those shaded boughs?
If a regular Dungeon is what you are after, then check out Yuweyawata Field Station, the below is what we know about it.
Some time past, in the northern region of what is now Heritage Found, a peaceful Tonawawtan village was beset by a tural vidraal. Zoraal Ja himself led the Landsguard against the beast’s boundless fury─yet although the First Promise returned from the mission, few know the fate of the village and its people...
There is a lot coming in patch 7.1, so much so that you will have to visit the official site to see it all, but we we know people do love a good list, here are the highlights.
Main Scenario Quests - Crossroads
New Alliance Raid - Echoes of Vana'diel - Jeuno: The First Walk
New Dungeon - Yuweyawata Field Station
New Trial - The Minstrel's Ballad: Sphene's Burden
New Ultimate Raid - Futures Rewritten (Ultimate) (Patch 7.11)
Chaotic Alliance Raid - Cloud of Darkness (Chaotic) (One Week after Patch 7.15)
New Unreal Trial - The Jade Stoa (Unreal)
Allied Society Quests - Pelupelu
Inconceivably Further Hildibrand Adventures (Patch 7.15)
Custom Deliveries - Nitowikwe (Patch 7.15)
Role Quests (Patch 7.16)
Wachumeqimeqi Quests (Patch 7.15)
Hall of the Novice Update
Housing Update
Doman Mahjong Update
New PvP Gear
New Mounts, Minions, and Emotes
...and more!