Get ready to shoot your way across a space western when TombStar releases later this month

Publisher No More Robots has announced that the next game from the creator of Crossy Road is set to blast onto PC via Steam on July 20, with Tombstar taking inspiration from games like Enter the Gungeon and The Binding of Isaac, check out the newest trailer for it below.
Each run in TombStar is unique, as you aim to discover which perks, badges and weapons work best together, and spur on your playstyle. And with three different characters who each handle and play very differently, you're never roped into a single way to play.
A wide array of abilities, perks, purchases and weapons to DRAAAW from will aid you in the fight against the notorious Grimheart Gang. But you'll need to refrain from horsing around, as each world is guarded by one of the Gang's henchmen. Classic boss battle action, yeehaw!
If this seems like the kind of game you can lock and load for, then add it to your wishlist on Steam, so you can buy it once its ready to go.