Godfall is coming to other consoles, but not for a while

Godfall was officially the first PlayStation 5 game we got confirmed and since then it has always been console exclusive, but in addition to the PC release happening this week with that version, it has now been revealed that the game will come to other consoles.
If you are wondering why I shared the launch trailer with this news, the last few moments of the trailer, which contain the worlds “PlayStation 5 Console Exclusive*” which is pretty normal, but below it states the following. “Also coming to PC. Not available on other consoles until at least 12/05/21”
Now given that most dates can be read in one of two ways, it could either be the 12 of May, giving the game six months on the PS5, or it is the 5th of December, giving it 13 months of console exclusiveness. Thankfully, it has been confirmed to be the first one, Godfall will come out on May 12, for other consoles, what they are has not been announced though.
Either way, it is coming out next week for PlayStation 5 and PC and if for some reason you were hanging to play it on Xbox or some other console there is now hope for you.