Gods Will Fall is coming early in 2021

Deep Silver have announced a new game Gods Will Fall, alongside the fact that the game will release on January 29th for Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, check out the trailer below.
When you play the game, you will get to experience the brutal trials that befall you and the other members of your venturous band of warriors, who are desperate to sever the gods’ tight hold on humanity.
Anyone who can hold a blade, will be called upon to join forces and together, you and seven others will rise up to take on all manner of beasts and minions that call the realms of the gods home.
Savour the calming sights as you explore the stunning and lush terrain of the Overworld. But beyond each ancient doorway, lies a god's realm. Brimming with foul creatures, stalking a world built from human suffering. Each path you tread and each door you open will be different from the last, ensuring a brand new tale unfolds every time.