Gwent updates its offerings, by bring Rogue Mage - a new single player expansion

Last week, CD Projekt Red announced that Gwent, their multiplayer card game was going single player, with the release of the Rogue Mage expansion, which you guessed it, adds a single player campaign to the game, a first for the series.
Gwent: Rogue Mage is set hundreds of years before Geralt and other witchers were roaming the Continent, when the Conjunction of Spheres brought endless ranks of monsters into the world. Mankind needed a chance to fight back their onslaught to survive. Follow the footsteps of a young and ambitious mage, Alzur, and his companion, Lily, who embark on a dangerous quest to create a living weapon that will eradicate the monster threat once and for all.
What is interesting about this is though it is an expansion for Gwent, it is a standalone expansion, meaning you don’t need the original game for it. The even better news however is that the game will work offline, something that Gwent, the multiplayer one can’t do, that means that long flights or times when you are not in a mobile coverage space are now no longer an issue.
The game can be obtained via the iPhone or Android app stores, or on PC via Steam or GOG, links for all can be found on the official site.