Humankind advances with the release of its first DLC - Cultures of Africa

Sega and Amplitude have announced that the first DLC for Humankind is now available for players to get and puts the focus on Africa and features 6 new cultures spanning all eras. In addition a new patch has also been released, to fix a few things, check out the trailer for it below.
The DLC is called Cultures of Africa and offers players 6 new cultures, new natural and built wonders, 7 new independent people, and 15 new narrative events.
In addition to the paid DLC, a free update featuring some requested community fixes. Here’s what players can expect when launching the game today:
AI: Improved ground bombardment
AI: Improved siege and coastal combat behaviour
AI: Improved war planning
AI: Improved the way AI handles Civic choices
AI: Improved the way AI handles Culture choices
Fixed some Help Layer and Tooltip errors
Bugfixes on Soviet EQ
Fixes to nuclear strikes
Fixes to surrender
Various fixes to the modding tools