Immortals: Fenyx Rising is fully revealed

After debuting at E3 2019, then being silent for over a year, then getting a name change, we finally got a proper look at what is now Immortals: Fenyx Rising, check out the new trailer below.
In Ubisoft’s Breath of the Wild, you play as Fenyx a champion of the gods, who has been summoned to help them out as Typhon, one of the largest and deadliest Titans has begun to corrupt the world. Players will face off against mythological creatures like the Cyclops, Minotaur and Medusa. With the help of the Sword of Achilles, Bow of Odysseus and Wings of Daidalos, players will launch themselves up into the air to deal with the immensity of these creatures. In addition to combat, players’ logic and strategy will be challenged by world puzzles, from small scale individual puzzles all the way up to the epic Vaults of Tartaros.
In Immortals Fenyx Rising, players will be able to make Fenyx their own with a wide range of customization options available. Progression is varied, centered on the Hall of the Gods where players can upgrade Fenyx’s health, stamina or god-given abilities. In addition to upgrading Fenyx, the weapons, armor, and potions used can also be enhanced by defeating enemies and opening chests throughout the world.
Because this was shown at a Ubisoft Forward event, there was more videos than just that trailer above, check out some actual gameplay.
If that wasn’t enough for you, there is also an 11 minute gameplay walkthrough that was shown off after the main event wrapped up, check it out.
The game is launching on December 3rd for Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox Series X and Series S and whenever the PlayStation 5 is released, the game will be there as well. It is also included in Uplay+, so members of that service will also gain access to the game.