Keep extracting people long after the release of Rainbow Six Extraction with their post launch plans

Last week, Ubisoft announced that the Extraction the spin-off to Siege, the not really a Rainbow Six game, would be released in early January and offer up a chance to bring two friends along for free, details about that here, but today, they have announced the road map of content to come post launch.
Risk it all in Maelstrom Protocol, a thrilling weekly challenge mode with tiered ranks, built for the most skilled Rainbow Six players. Players must navigate a series of nine subzones with increasing difficulty, tougher enemies, quickly depleting resources, and allotted time getting shorter at each stage. At each checkpoint, squads must choose to either extract to bank their points or attempt to push to the end. Earning points will secure a place for challengers in up to five classes, from Bronze to Silver to Gold, Platinum and even Diamond Class, each rewarding players with special headgear and REACT Credits.
Rainbow Six Extraction will feature a variety of other exciting challenges, including Crisis Events and Assignments. Crisis Events are limited-time, game-changing events with themed content, introducing a new Operator to your roster or a new dangerous Protean enemy to defeat. In the first Crisis Event, Spillover, players must wipe out mass colonies of an evolved version of the Sprawl as hordes of Archæans attempt to stop them. These events will reward exclusive REACT Tech, new cosmetics, and new lore.