Knockout City gets a big update, that knocks out the need to buy it

Velan Studios, the folks who made Mario Kart: Home Circuit have announced that their other game Knockout City has been given a big update today, bringing the game to version 6.0 and makes it free to play.
The update itself has made some changes to the game, expanding the players hub, adding the new boomerang ball and more. Plus if level up your Brawl Pass, you can earn the smartest-looking science-y gear KO City’s ever seen. Follow the Deep Space Dispatches for stories from S3, chock-full of action and intrigue. Oh, and watch your back – Among Us goodies are waiting for you in the Free Edition of the Brawl Pass.
Of course, the biggest change is that the game has now gone free to play, for all platforms and you now no longer need any online membership, as with all other free to play games like Fortnite.
The full patch notes can be found here, which confirms that players that purchased the game and logged in at least once prior to June 1, 2022 (or that got the full version through the various subscription services we partnered with and logged in), you will receive the exclusive Loyalty Royalty Bundle the first time you log into the game after June 1st.