Life is Strange shuffles a number of release dates

Last week, Square Enix revealed via Twitter that the Life is Strange Remastered Collection would no longer be releasing in 2021, with it now coming in early 2022, check out the full statement below.
An update from the Life is Strange team
— Life is Strange (@LifeIsStrange) August 11, 2021
As promised though, they did release the trailer for the DLC coming at the end of September for Life is Strange: True Colors, check that out below.
But there was more bad news, that they left out of their big announcement and released it after the fact and that is that the Switch release of True Colors will come later in 2021 and not on September 10 as originally planned.
Additionally, Life is Strange: True Colors for Nintendo Switch is running a little late.
— Life is Strange (@LifeIsStrange) August 12, 2021
We won’t be quite ready to release on September 10 – but we still plan to release this year.
Please watch our channels for a confirmed date over the coming weeks!
So the release plans for the series now look like this:
Life is Strange: True Colors
September 10 - Xbox, PlayStation, PC
2021 - Switch
Life is Strange: True Colors: Wavelength DLC
September 30 - Xbox, PlayStation, PC
2021 - Switch
Life is Strange Remastered Collection
2022 - Switch, Xbox, PlayStation, PC
The good news is that anyone who made use of the free offer of the Remastered Collection, as part of their edition of True Colors, will still get it for free, you just have to wait a few more months.