Light No Fire is the next game from Hello Games and is full of limitless potential

At The Game Awards 2023, Hello Games were on stage again something they did in the very first one, where they revealed their next game, Light No Fire. This is game is a fully open world adventure where you can go and do just about anything, check out the announcement trailer below.
The game is about adventure, building, survival and of course, exploration, all set on a planet that is the same size as Earth, but with many more unique landmasses. Here are some of the points that Hello Games have revealed about the game so far.
A Multiplayer Earth
Carve a life together. Meet players from across the globe, build a life, explore and survive together. Construct persistent buildings and communities, or strike out alone to discover the world for others.
A Procedural Earth
A truly open world, with no boundaries, at a scale never attempted before. A massively varied and dense planet filled with immersive biomes, unique enemies and valuable resources to discover.
A Fantasy Earth
Light No Fire presents you with an ancient earth to uncover. One where you're not the hero. Thick with lore, mystery and a constant fight for survival. Inspired by the adventure, charm and imagination that we love from classic fantasy.
An Unexplored Earth
Every mountain can be climbed, and below them lie endless vistas, oceans and continents perhaps no others have seen. Who will climb the tallest mountains, who will find the deepest sea? Set sail across vast oceans and rivers, ride wild beasts through fantastical landscapes, fly dragons over undiscovered landscapes.
Right now, we only know that the game is coming to PC, but Hello Games have not ruled out anything else at this stage.