Maxi-Geek's Best Of 2020 - Hardware

2020 has been quite the year, but in the world of gaming, apart from some delays, it really just moved along like normal. Well, as normal as it can be in the midst of a global pandemic, with that said, there were countless amazing games across the various platforms and even some good movies to enjoy.
This time we are taking a look at some of the best hardware that came out in 2020 and given it was a major console release year, seeing them in the list is a given.
Controllers are the bread and butter of the console experience, over the years there have been some truly amazing controllers and some honestly weird ones, the DualSense falls into the former.
Nothing that Sony did on the new controller is unique, but they have never been brought forth into a controller just like this before, from the rumble in the triggers that actually provide resistance, to the motion control and beyond, everything comes together to provide a wonderful interaction with the console.
While not a perfect controller, it is most definitely up there as one of the best… ever.
Much like the controller for it, the PlayStation 5 takes a good look at what worked in other consoles and combined it into something special.
After the PlayStation 4 Pro, many folks wondered what Sony might do for their next main box and the PlayStation 5 was not even remotely close. It offered wonderful visuals, which was expected, but it was the inclusion of elements like 3D Audio and that blazing fast SSD that pushed it further ahead.
The only real downside, that console is massive and does not fit in most standard sized tv units, which is a shame.
Taking first place for us was the Xbox Series X and for good reason, not only is it a major power upgrade from the Xbox One generation, everything just works.
By that I mean that all those controllers, external drives and other accessories from the last generation just work on this new one, in fact one of the best things was me plugging in my external drives and seeing all the games just appear and load. The controller doesn’t really do anything, other than add a share button, but that’s ok, it is a solid form factor.
The only real downside is that the box looks like a sub-woofer more than a console, which loses some wow of having a new console.
There you go, those were the hardware items that we loved the most in 2020, but what would you have included?