Microsoft Flight Simulator has gone Nordic with its new update

Microsoft Flight Simulator has scored its 15th world update, bringing Greenland and the Nordic region to the game in richer detail. This means better locations, more airports and a whole lot more.
Developed in conjunction with Microsoft partners Bing Maps, Vexcel, Maxar, Gaya Simulations, Orbx, and Kjetil Garpestad, this update promises to thrill the Microsoft Flight Simulator audience with its range of enhancements:
90 hand-made points of interest.
10 TIN (triangulated irregular network) cities.
5 hand-crafted airports.
Broad-based, high-resolution geographic updates using significantly enhanced DEMs (digital elevation models) in Iceland, Norway, and Sweden.
Fresh aerial imagery and satellite data across the entire region.
Some of the Points of Interest (POIs) include Denmark’s Farø Bridges, Gråsten Palace, and Ribe Cathedral; Finland’s Bengtskär Lighthouse, Kökar church, and Tähtiniemi Bridge; Greenland’s Arctic Station, EastGRIP, and Summit Station; Iceland’s Knarrarós Lighthouse, Laugardalsvöllur Stadium, and Ólafsvíkurkirkja Church; Norway’s Andenes Lighthouse, Gjemnessund Bridge, and Svalbard Global Seed Vault; and Sweden’s Älvsborg Bridge, Arctic Space Centre, and Aurora Sky Station.
Full details on the update can be found on the games official website.