More Resident Evil details are coming, with an April showcase and Re:Verse beta

In celebration of Resident Evil’s 25th anniversary, which was yesterday, Capcom have announced that in April, another Resident Evil Showcase will take place, providing more details about Resident Evil Village and Resident Evil Re:Verse.
But it won’t just be more about those games, the event will also announce news about the series 25th anniversary, what that is, is anyone’s guess, but a new look at that Netflix movie is likely. The only thing we need to know now, is the date on when this will happen, which is expected soon.
If that wasn’t enough, Capcom also announced that players can participate in an open beta test for Resident Evil Re:Verse taking place April 8 at 4pm, through to April 12 3:59pm, at least for AEST, here are the rest of the times.
AEST: April 8 4pm - April 12 3:59pm
ACST April 8 3:30pm - April 12 3:29pm
AWST: April 8 2pm - April 12 1:59pm
Players who participated in the earlier closed beta test and still have the game installed on their hardware can play via a game update once the open beta is live. New players will be able to pre-load the open beta content starting April 5. All open beta participants will need a registered Capcom ID to play.
Resident Evil Village releasing worldwide May 7, 2021 on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC via Steam.