New Halo themed items have appeared on the Xbox Gear Shop

The Xbox Gear Shop might not be something you know about, they have really only started to put things on it, for the past year or so, it has just be Xbox branded mugs and the occasional shirt.
The store has some gear for Gears of War, Psychonauts 2, Forza Horizon 5 and of course Halo, with more games listed as well and while the Halo stuff earlier in the year was good, a lot of it was themed to the 20th anniversary of the series.
Now however, a lot of the new content that has been added are either generic Halo themed, Halo Infinite related or my personal favourite, Halo-ween. Check out some of what is available below.
The full collection can be viewed here and ordered, with most items being sold internationally, though you will need to check for each one. Additionally, the items are all in US dollars and tend to be on the more expensive side of game related swag, so just be aware of that as well.