No Man's Sky overhauls its Sentinels in the first update of the year

Not content with bringing No Man’s Sky to Switch, as was revealed last week, but the team have announced that the existing platforms, so PlayStation, PC and Xbox, have all been updated today with the release of the Sentinel update.
As the trailer above shows, there are some big changes in this update, most of which are based around the Sentinels and combat, both of which have been issues of contention in the past. The combat has been good, but now with new weapon types, modified and effects, it should be even better. The Sentinels though, those pesky little robots are getting overhauled, now coming back with more weapons, repairing themselves and even including a massive heavy drone.
Fortunately, Travellers won’t have to rely on only their wits. Advancements have been made on both sides and experienced players will find a whole war-chest of weapons to counteract the heightened Sentinel threat. Stun grenades, neutron cannons, your own personal automated AI attack mech, and much, much more are available to those who accumulate the necessary expertise and know-how.
Included as well is a new storyline, that puts lore behind the Sentinels, including where they came from, what they are up to and more, with players who complete it, able to obtain their own personal companion drone.
The updates to the Sentinels are not the only change, the game has a bunch of fixes, including things like faster travel between your base and the space station in that system. There are updates to the multi-tool as well, including increasing the capacity of how many you can carry, as well as new weapons, tech, building items and more.
Finally, the game has been given a boost on PC for those with an AMD GPU and if that wasn’t enough for you, if you are one of the lucky few to get a Steam Deck, the game will be updated to make better use of the limited screens space there.
All the details you need to know, including the full patch notes, can be found on the games official site, just scroll right to the bottom.