Odyssey, the upcoming expansion for Elite Dangerous has been delayed

In a development update, Frontier have revealed that Elite Dangerous’ upcoming expansion Odyssey, will now release an entire quarter later, due to challenging development related to the global pandemic.
The new timeline for the expansion now looks like this:
Early Autumn 2021 - Game hits Alpha stage on PC
Late Autumn 2021 - Game releases on PC, if Alpha is successful
Spring 2021 - Expansion comes to consoles
Our PC plans have only been affected by a small amount, however our plans for the console release will unfortunately see a larger development shift. Please do know that these difficult decisions have been made with a focus on making Odyssey as incredible as it can possibly be for all our Commanders regardless of their platform, while also respecting realistic project deadlines for our teams during this difficult global situation.
We would like to sincerely apologise to all of our community. We know you have been waiting patiently and how disappointing and frustrating this must be. With that in mind, we would like to share with you our latest roadmap so that you are fully aware of our plans.
These timelines might shift back again, if the UK remains locked down longer, or they might come forward, if things change for the better. Either way, the health and safety of the team is paramount and the end result is that we should receive a more wonderful expansion when all is said and done.
For now, enjoy some concept art from the upcoming expansion