Park Beyond has revealed the competition that all players will face during the story mode

Bandai Namco and developers Limbic Entertainment have released a new trailer for Park Beyond, that shows off the main challenge that players will face when they take on the games story mode. That challenge is Giles Hemlock.
While building and handling challenging parks in the expansive story mode of Park Beyond, you will also have to watch out for your rival’s aggressive methods and dirty tricks as he tries to take your business down. With disregard for anything fun and his terrible management methods, we introduce Giles Hemlock, CEO of Hemlock Consortium, and self-proclaimed genius. His number one goal is to crush any joy and dreams under the heel of profit making and parking complexes.
The game is coming to PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S sometime in 2023, but there is no firmer date than that at this stage.