PAX Australia 2021 merch goes on sale today, with a retro inspired line up

PAX Australia is heading online next weekend, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be merch to buy, local companies most host their own sales, but the team at PAX are also offering up the goods, as part of their Camp PAX line up.
The merch, which is on sale at 10am this morning, is on sale now, so get to looking is much smaller than in years past, but does mean you won’t go broke getting everything on the list, speaking of lists, here is everything for sale, including the price. Before that though, you should note that stock is limited and some items may sell out faster.
Camp PAX Zip Up Hoodie - $105
Camp PAX Ringer Tee - $30
Vintage Camp PAX Tee - $30
PAX Show Tee - $30
Far Out Tee - $30
Camp PAX 5 Panel Cap - $30
Patch Camp Beanie - $30
Camp PAX Sticker Water Bottle - $25
The Great Indoors Cinch Bag - $25
Camp PAX Mug (enamel metal) - $20
Fade to Glitch Card Sleeves - $12
Fade to Glitch Deck Box - $12
Novelty Camp PAX 2021 Single Badge - $10
Novelty Camp PAX 2021 All 4 Badge Set - $15
Pinny Arcade
PAX Aus 2021 Pin Set - $35
PAX Aus 2021 Limited Edition Pin - $20
Some pictures, as small as they are, can be seen below. The shows schedule is also up, view it here, so you can plan out your day accordingly.