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Prepare to Cross into the Realm of the Dead in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands

Blizzard announced at Blizzcon, the next chapter in the saga that is World of Warcraft, Shadowlands, where players will cross over to the land of the dead and attempt to gain new power from the Covenants that rule there.

World of Warcraft players entering the fabled Shadowlands will find the realms of the dead in upheaval. Under the normal order, departed souls were delivered to a realm appropriate to the lives they led, but now, all souls are being funnelled into the Maw, where the most wicked are damned to suffer for eternity. As they seek to right the cycle and uncover the extent of Sylvanas’ designs, players will forge bonds with the Covenants who hold domain over different planes within the Shadowlands:

  • The steadfast Kyrian of Bastion, whose discipline and duty compels them to safeguard souls from the mortal realm as they pass into the Shadowlands.

  • The mysterious Night Fae of Ardenweald, who fiercely defend the spirits of nature from those who would deprive them of rebirth.

  • The cunning Venthyr of Revendreth, who feast on the souls of the prideful and vain in a gothic realm of opulence and torment.

  • The warlike Necrolords of Maldraxxus, who forge the undead armies that serve as the first line of defence for the Shadowlands and honour those who seek power and glory in battle.

In their journeys through the Shadowlands, players will also come face-to-face with some of the departed legends of the Warcraft® universe, such as Uther the Lightbringer, who struggles against dark forces that seek to transform him into a symbol of retribution, and Kael’thas, who pursues vengeance on an enemy from his past while confined to Revendreth for the crimes he committed in life.

“Shadowlands is taking us somewhere we’ve never dreamed of going in the Warcraft universe, and that’s incredibly exciting,” said J. Allen Brack, president of Blizzard Entertainment. “We can’t wait to explore the great beyond, catch up with old departed friends, and forge an epic new chapter in the Warcraft saga together with our players.”

For the first time ever, players will be able to step into the Shadowlands and experience the horrors and wonders of the afterlight of Azeroth, with multiple new zones, Bastion a new gleaming field, tthe scarred battlelands of Maldrazzus, the keeps filled with opulence of Revendreth, the eternal twilight that basks the land in Ardenwald and finally, the horrific Maw.

You will also be given access to a new levelling system, which will give you a new way to play. Current max-level characters will begin Shadowlands at level 50 and work toward the new level cap of 60, with each level set to offer a sense of achievement.

Finally, to combat Sylvanas’ assault on Icecrown, Bolvar Fordragon— the revered former paladin who took on the mantle of Lich King to keep the Scourge at bay—has raised heroes from among all the peoples of Azeroth to bolster the Death Knights of Acherus. With Shadowlands, pandaren and all allied races will now be able to become Death Knights.

For now, enjoy some screens and concept art for the expansion.