Scour the world for heroes when Unicorn Overlord comes release in March

During the recent Nintendo Direct, Atlus and Vanillaware revealed their next title, Unicorn Overlord. In this tactical RPG, players will have to explore a world and grow their army, with over 60 unique fighters to recruit. Check out the announcement trailer below.
While the game was revealed during the Nintendo Direct, it is also coming to Xbox Series X, PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4. Details about the game are a little scarce, but the team have released a list of key features:
Traverse a vibrant world, assemble units and direct them into exquisitely animated battles
Perform heroic deeds and grow renown throughout the five nations
Cultivate a grand army with over 60 unique characters, from humans and elves to massive beasts and heavenly angels
The game will be released in both a standard edition and a Collectors Edition. Here is what is included in that:
Premium Edition Box
16-big BGM Soundtrack CD - 2 discs featuring 10 songs per disc
132 page art book
Card game - includes 239 cards, tokens and markers
The game itself will release on March 8th, 2024.