Sherlock Holmes The Awakened has launched its Kickstarter

Ukrainian developer Frogwares have announced that their Kickstarter for Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened, a full remake of one of their earliest games, is now live and as part of that, they have released a new trailer for the game.
Normally, we don’t talk about Kickstarters here, but given that the studio is still working, even as their country is being invaded by another one, it seems like a just cause. In addition to the trailer above, they have also released a developer diary video, which is below, that has members of the team, explain what is going on for them, their country and the studio.
If you are wondering why they opted for a Kickstarter, check out this statement from the team.
“We opted for Kickstater to create a financial safety net for the game but also to try to give back to our closest fans wanting to support us now. This way we can give them that bit of recognition by putting their names and photos into the game while it’s still in development.”
“We also have decided to be very realistic with our other rewards and keep them all digital. We have seen devs in the past promise things that become very time-consuming to deliver. Our team simply doesn’t have that luxury.” - Sergiy Oganesyan, Comms Director, Frogwares
The game is aiming for a mid-2023 release, but an exact date is not yet know. Once is is released though, it will land on Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.