Star Ocean The Divine Force is bringing the series back in 2022

Square Enix have announced that the sixth mainline entry in the Star Ocean series is on its way, as the game was revealed during the recent State of Play event. While revealed at a PlayStation show, the game is coming to most platforms, so PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, check out the reveal trailer below.
While the sixth mainline game in the series, everything about the story, characters and locations is brand new, meaning newcomers won’t feel like they are being left out.
For existing fans, the game brings back the popular dual protagonist system from STAR OCEAN: The Second Story and puts you in the shoes of two very different protagonists: Raymond and Laeticia.
Raymond is from an advanced civilization, and the captain of the space trading ship Ydas. Laeticia, meanwhile, is a princess-knight from a kingdom on an underdeveloped planet. When they meet, the fate of the galaxy will change forever.
You’ll get to choose which of the two heroes to control and the events that take place during the story, including the allies who’ll have your back by the end of the game, will change depending on your decision. Naturally, once you finish playing as one of the protagonists, you’ll want to start another playthrough with the other character to see all the story twists and turns that await you there.
Regardless of which protagonist you go with, you’ll have amazing freedom over how you explore this galactically imaginative world. Characters have amazing mobility around areas - everything you see is there to be explored… from the ground and the air.
Not only can the characters move in 360 degrees on the ground, they can also fly up into the air, too! See a cliff or rockface that looks interesting in the distance? You can fly over there and poke around. Want to get up to the rooftops for a better look at the city? Up you go!
Sooner or later, you’ll encounter enemies and that means it’s time to battle. Fortunately, the sense of nimbleness extends into the combat system, too!
The heroes can take down hordes of enemies with super high-speed movement attacks. For example, you have a skill that lets you vanish for a moment in front of enemies’ eyes or take out a foe in a single hit.
Combat flows seamlessly into exploration too - there are no random battles, and all enemies are present on the field. If you see danger ahead, it’s up to you how and when you engage them. Do you rush in head-on or swoop down from the sky?
As for when the game is being released, right now its only down as 2022, which could mean January 1st or December 31st, but who really knows. When it does release, it will hit PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.