Star Wars Celebration will move to Japan in 2025

Star Wars Celebration is done for 2023 and while this is the second show within 12 months, with last years show in Anaheim being delayed from the pandemic, it is now going back to its usual 2 year cycle.
Lucasfilm have announced that Star Wars Celebration 2025 will take place in Japan, at the Makuhari Messe convention centre in Chiba, just a quick train trip from Tokyo Disney Resort.
As for dates, the show will take place on April 18, 19 and 20, which will again be the easter weekend.
Tickets are not on sale now and likely won’t be for at least a year, but at least you know the where and when, so you can start to save up your money.
My only complaint is that it isn’t Australia. Star Wars movies have been filmed in two countries, not counting locations and England has hosted a few shows before, but Australia has never had one, so it would have been nice to see them bring it here.
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