Star Wars Jedi: Survivor locks in 60fps with its latest update

While Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is a solid game, as far as gameplay goes, technically there have been issues across the board that players have had frustration with. The developers at Respawn Entertainment have owned up to this and been working to address them as quickly as they can and while some updates have been small, there are some like this, which fix big things.
One of the biggest complaints against the game was that it did not run at 60 frames per second when in performance mode, which is the one that drops the 4k resolution and ensures that things are smooth. This new update address that and makes it work now.
In addition Ray Tracing has been improved across the board, the PlayStation 5 version now supports VRR and PC players can now enjoy DLSS support, ensuring an even better look.
Is this the final patch for the game, unsure, but its great to see so many big improvements arrive. If you are keen the full patch notes are below.
This patch introduces several performance-related improvements* on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S including:
Performance mode has been completely reworked to substantially improve player experience.
A number of GPU and CPU optimizations – along with disabling Ray Tracing – has resulted in a better player experience, including a solid 60 FPS in Performance mode.
Quality Mode has also received optimizations to help reduce FPS fluctuation and introduce other visual improvements.
Variable Refresh Rate support added for PS5.
Additional performance & optimization improvements for PC, including DLSS support.
Save system tweaks to help prevent save game corruption.
Fixed issues where players could not retrieve their XP after dying under certain circumstances.
Various crash fixes.
Various bug fixes & improvements across all platforms, including fixes for cloth, lighting, and UI.